Page name: Forest of Death [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-09 03:27:42
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Erubeus
# of watchers: 3
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The Forest Of Death

An eerie and scary forest on the outskirts of Konoha. The residents in this forest are huge bugs, scary trees, humongous snakes and swamp fish. Luscious flowers and leaves grow all about, but be careful.. Some of those flowers bite and sting... if you're lucky you won't be eaten.

Naku stopped when she rounded the rocks and stared at the forest, her hands shove din her pockets. Her gaze drifted to that of the gate surrounding it, a ninja keeping guard at the first entrance of it. the patrol ninjas kept guard of this place, as well, each entrance gate having one before it. She tipped her head to him, a wave in response.

"How many entrances are there to this place?" Kino asked looking around noticing all the patrol nin.

"About twenty-seven.. Not too many considering how big the perimeter is." Naku said, counting on her fingers who she all thought would make it to the end of the tournament. She counted only five..

"How long 'til this thing starts? I grow impatient with all this waiting you people do." Kino said with his arms crossed and studying the vast depth of the forest which he wasn't able to see to that far.

"Well, I could tell you, or you could wait a few minutes.. Look, they're already starting to show up, Shinji." She pointed at a couple ninja walking around the rocks, chatting and telling stories with many hand gestures.

"It's about time..." Kino said while closely studying the approaching group.

"Impatient.." Naku groaned out, rolling her eyes and walking away from Kino to go sit down on one of the rock mounds.

One of the ninjas pointed at Kino whilst talking to the other few, a low laugh escaping his lips which caused the rest of them to burst out laughing. They headed towards the gate, resting against it as if it were a wall, still chatting as more ninja began to pour in from behind the rocks.

Kino smirked and briefly shook his head and approached the ninja that pointed at him. "Hey there!" he said with a fake smile grin. "What's so funny?"

"And you would be?" He asked firmly, his brow quirking heavily.

"Shinji Carretsu." Kino said. "It's quite rude to talk behind someone's back like that if you're not ready to say it to their face. So, I just came over to see if you're as funny as those simpletons behind you think you are." he said with a grin on his face.

"And why should I have to explain myself to you, an outside ninja?" He demanded, rather than asked. His arms crossed over his vested chest and his metal band shined on his gloves.

"You don't have to explain yourself for what you said. I'm simply asking WHAT you said." Kino said. "What is your name, by the way?"

"Bashton Kinado." He barked out, a frown showing on his face. It was obvious he was becoming annoyed.

"Eh, I guess it's an easy mistake for a rookie like you to make so I'll let you off the hook this time." Kino said jokingly. "But if you do it again... I'll kill you." He switched his tone from joking to serious and made sure only he could hear the last few words. "Well, see you around, Cheif." Kino said patting Bashton on the arm twice with his right arm before turning around walking away.

"We'll see.." Bashton muttered, looking away from Kino and looking back at his pals, chatting once more.

Naku looked at Kino, smiling lightly. "What was that all about, Shinji?"

Kino gave a wide grin. "I don't like ignorance. What rank level is that Bashton Kinado?"

"Second highest ranked Chunin in the village, he thinks he's bad." Naku said sliding down from the rocks and landing next to Kino. She patted her butt off gently, quickly waving to one of the Jounin that came from behind the rock. "The highest ranked Chunin in the village goes by the clan name of Hyuuga.."

"Interesting. No wonder he has a following. I think a public humiliation is in order." Kino laughed as he sat down on a rock waiting for the brawl to start.

"He always makes it to the final ten people, knock him down a peg, Shinji." Naku said with a smile. She meeped quietly when she felt arms wrap around waist in a hug from behind; Bakuto.

"So, it hasn't started yet? I thought my trip to the Sand would take longer than that.." The male said gently, looking at the crowded place. "Did you cause her any trouble, Shinji?" He asked when he unwrapped his arms from her.

"You know the answer to that trivial question, Chief." Kino said with an annoyed tone. "How long?"

Before Bakuto could reply, his attention was turned to the speaking head of the village, Lilin the Hokage. "Welcome to our monthly tournament of ninja! We welcome all the outsiders, all the veterans, and all the genin, even, to this event. We hope you all have a good time, and we will begin shortly! Sign in when you are ready!" She blared out, now residing from her spot ontop of the sign in stand near the gate.

Bakuto placed his hands back in his pockets and made his way over tot he forming line. "Come on, Shinji.. Naku.." He called behind him.

Naku nodded and follwed behind Bakuto slowly, gripping her necklace gently.

Kino stood up and followed Bakuto while eyeing the other ninja present. Remember, I can bring myself out into the open just yet. Even if it means losing this event. Kino stepped into the line and waited until it was his turn to sign in.

When Bakuto was up to the table, he bent down and signed Naku, Shinji and himself in for them. The form consisting of village, first and last name, and an ID code on their IDs. Bakuto had memorized Naku's, so wrote her's and his own down, for fitting the pen so Shinji could write his ID number down.

Kino wrote down the ID number for the alleged Shinji Carretsu. "Now what?" He asked waiting for anyone to tell him where to go.

Bakuto really didn't say anything, just simply lead the way over to one of the crowded entrances and placed his back to the metal net style fence. The number on the gate was fifteen. The ninja were allowed to pass one at a time with a one minute waiting period for the ninjas behind that one, the guard blocking the entrance so this would not be disrupted. When Bakuto was up the guard grabbed his hand and jabbed his fore finger with a needle, on the very end of the needle a microscopic chip was placed. He gave a final salute to the two and headed off, jumping off into the trees as quickly as he possibly could.

"Alright.. Here's the deal. You get a chip inserted into your finger for three reasons. It signals you to start attacking other ninjas with a bright red blinking, it stops a few moments after so don't worry. It can tell when you're down and defeated.. And it can tell if you're dead by your blood temperature..." Before Naku could continue on, she was gripped by the wrist and jabbed in the finger with a different needle. She turned back around and hugged Kino gently before heading off into the gate, disappearing in the bleak darkness of the forest.

After a minute passed, the guard extended his hand down to Shinji, a hard stare in his eyes. "Give me your hand, boy." He ordered, grabbing another of the needles hanging from the gate.

Kino walked up to the guard and laughed at him and offered his hand to get the chip put in. "Manners go a long way, buddy. They might even decide if you live or die." Kino laughed and proceeded to walk through the gate when it was his time.

The guard gripped his wrist and jabbed his finger a bit roughly, pulling back and dropping the needle to the ground. He released the hand, merely ignoring the boy's words, and continued on with his task. "Go..." He muttered to Kino, his brown eyes falling to the next chunin walking up.

Kino smiled and sprinted into the forest, staying the ground waiting for someone to target him. He always liked giving people a false sense of confidence making them think they were sneaking up on them, when they were only falling into one of his many traps. Kino stopped and poorly hid himself to draw someone or something in.

Bakuto stopped in his tracks when he heard a few ninja footsteps a few trees away from him. With a small shake of the head, the white-haired male stepped back into the leaves of the tree he was on and hid himself with a jutsu, waiting patiently for the chip to begin glowing.

Kino observed how high and think the trees were. This place is a perfect arena, no wonder they chose it. He saw several cells of ninja moving around. Cheaters. He thought to himself as he looked down at his finger waiting for it to start.

Once the last ninja entered in each gate, the gates were shut and fastened and the guards all took their devices, after receiving signs that they were all ready, and clicked the buttons, sending off the electrical waves to the chips in ever ninjas finger.

Bakuto quickly hid his hand in his shirt when he saw it flashing, careful not to reveal himself. He always ended up being defeated by the last ninja, and he promised himself not again. He made a few more hand signs in his state and darkened the forest even more with one of his techniques he learned in the Moon Village. He reached back and pulled up his hood while still hidden in his position, careful not to let his white and red hair show as he waited for a few ninja; a trap in waiting for it.

One of the jounin ran past Kino and smirked lightly, snorting. "Poor cover, kid." He muttered, pulling a kunai from his leg case ready to attack, freezing when he saw that the forest did indeed become darker. "What the...?"

"Shit." Kino said in an annoyed tone as he ran out of the range of Bakuto's jutsu. "You're the idiot." Kino said as he threw a kunai with an exploding tag where he predicted he was going to land. Kino ran out into the middle of the forest floor so he didn't fall into a trap like Bakuto's. "This is going to be fun." he said with a wide grin on his face.

Bakuto's dark jutsu cloaked the whole of the forest, so he was almost one hundred percent positive that he would be able to move about as much as he wanted without much attacks thrown to him, traps, on the other hand were different. He spotted one of the genin, and seeing as this was a tournament, knocked her out easily. Sorry.. He thought as he continued on, his eyes adjusting to the pitch darkness of the forest. He grew up where it was almost always dark, and he had such eyes so he could see through the darkness of the forest.

The male screamed and fell to the ground with the kunai in his thigh, the explosion tearing a chunk from his leg and knocking him out of the compitition almost instantly.

Kino spotted a cell of 3 genin and 1 chuunin. "Too easy." He said as he dropped in and smashed 2 of the 3 genin's heads together knocking them unconscious and letting them fall to a sickening thud. The chuunin formed fire jutsu and spit multiple fire balls at Kino whiched he dodged easily but had to block the last one with both his forearms burning threw his clothing fairly easily but only received minor wounds from the actual blast. The genin tried to come up from behind and hit Kino with a swift kick to the head but Kino ducked, grabbed his leg and swung him towards the chuunin making the chuunin make a decision to help his comrade or dodge. He hesitated too much and they both collided and the genin fell out of the tree onto the branch below. While the chuunin was still dazed he came up and gave an axe kick on the crown of the chuunin's head. "5 down." Kino said walking away.

Naku found herself mentally laughing as she followed Kino quietly, her promise to Bakuto still holding strong. She had taken down a few ninjas and found Kino rather easily in the dark, haands cuffed behind head as she smiled up into the tree canopies.

Bakuto brushed his pants off and continued on forward, counting the number of worthy opponents he took down; so far four. He sighed quietly and sat down on the bracnh of the tree, deciding it'd be a lot safer if he were to just get out now instead of risking too much illness from lack of sleep to add along with his lung illness. Before he could really decide, he grabbed a genin up with his feet from the bracnh below him and easily slammed him against the tree branch, swinging his legs and releasing so he would fall tot he ground. He stood himself up and continued on, he'd take his chances with the sleep.

After about 6 people falling into his 'hunter becomes the hunted' routine he grew bored and decide to get through this quickly he'd been running into no one of considerable strength or technique. He ran around giving one hit KOs to many genin still running around. "Where the hell is everyone?!" Kino yelled

Because Naku was virtually bored, she jumped from her branch and landed accurately onto Kino's shoulders, her legs tightening slightly so she would not fall. "'Allo, Shinji. You know, a lot of the jounin are near the middle of the forest." She said with a nod. When she realized that she was on his shoulder still, she wiggled about and said, "Giddy up horsey!"

Bakuto made his way to the tower located deep within the forest, halting once he saw Bashton remove one of the jounin with a swift knee to the face. He smiled slightly and removed the hood from his head, a few hand signs made sending out a rush of Sakura petals at his back. When he heard the startled yell, he hurried forward and swiftly made it around the chunin, sending a left hook to his jaw when he turned around and sending him faltering to the ground.

Kino gave an annoyed grunt. He picked her up off his shoulders and held her under his right arm and ran to the middle of the forest. He came up into sight of Bakuto and Bashton. "Hell no.." Kino said angrily, dropping Naku on the ground he ran to try and catch Bashton before Bakuto could finish him off.

Naku meeped as she was rudely readjusted in Kino's arms, then dropped like a slab of meat... She quickly caught herself on the ground with her hands and did a flip to get upright. "Rude ass!" She exclaimed, smoothing out her hair and hurrying after.

As another wave of razor sharp Sakura petals were sent at him as she fell to the ground, he did a substitution jutsu and simply landed on a low branch of the tree. He heard a couple more set of footsteps coming at him and began to panic slightly. "Damn..." He muttered. He tightened his fists and cracked his fingers, then his neck before using his shadow clone jutsu, a couple heading for Naku and Kino, three headed for Bakuto as he slyly disappeared in an unseen puff of smoke.

Bakuto easily took out the clones with his kunai as he descended to the ground, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to distinguish where the chunin went. "Mhm.. Scared him off, noisy water ninja.." He muttered out.

Naku shot one of the shadow clones through the head with a bolt of lightning. She sighed quietly and stopped a few paces from Bakuto, not worried too much abut the clone Kino was going to handle.

Kino just barreled through the clone with his shoulder while having a sharp bone come out of his shoulder to dispell the clone. "Typical coward-like tactic, I expected nothing else from you." Kino said loudly to make sure Bashton could hear him. "You certainly talk a good fight, but you've yet to prove anything of worth. So, come and face me like a respectable ninja, coward." Kino said trying to draw Bashton out.

"You know, Shinji.. Instead of trying to find Bashton now, you should just go on with fighting other ninja until he gets some courage to come back out." Naku suggested gently, patting his shoulder as she watched Bakuto form a few hand signs.

The moon ninja made his signs and looked down towards the ground as Sakura petals began to form a squirrel like creature with glowing red chakra balls for eyes. Bakuto kneeled down to the newly formed cherry blossom mammal and extended out one of the petals with Bashton's blood on it. "Don't worry, he'll track down Bashton for us, he'll be my eyes." He remarked as he watched the creature run off with the petal held in his tiny midst, easily scurrying up into the tree and disappearing in a leap. "Come on.." He muttered, turning on his heel and walking on.

"Where's the satisfaction in that, huh? I wanted to experience his so-called skills and have him prove if he's really as good as you say he is." Kino said cracking his neck and looking at Naku over his shoulder.

"He won't come out if he thinks we're all still worried about him." Naku said gently. She smiled a bit before removing her hand from his shoulder and walking on, her eyes scanning the forest before her.

Bakuto stopped in his tracks as he gazed at a couple jounin and the highest ranking chunin before him; Athav Hyuuga. His brows perked slightly at the sight, he never saw Athav paired with a couple of men, usually only women. He was surprised to say the least.

Athav's legs were outspread and her arms covered he breast, making it seem like she had none. Her hair was pulled out of her way behind her back in a low ponytail and her head band lay about her waist. In the darkness her birth right was not seen. "Bakuto... who's this scum that you're with? It's unlike you to be in a group.

Naku's nose flared at the words, her neck hair bristling uncharacteristically. "What did you say you damn man?!" She exclaimed, stiffening her body and growling.

Kino cocked an eyebrow. "Scum, you say? I think you should give your opponents a little respect, wench." Kino said staring at Athav.

Bakuto let out a low laugh and jumped up into a tree, sitting on the branch and looking down at them. "Well, if they are scum you should be able to take them out, hm Athav?" He called down. His body straightened slightly when the skaura beast called to him, his vision going to a completely different place. He shook his head and smiled slightly. "Hey, Shinji.. I found your friend."

Athav flicked her wrist in a gesture for the jounin to come forward. She did not waist her time on outside ninja unless it was a dire situation.

"I have other business to attend to, so I might come back and play." Kino said with a bow and started heading where Bashton was hiding. "Come out and play." he said with an evil grin on his face.

"He's near a swamp.. you'll see my beast when you are almost there." Bakuto called to him, his gaze drifting back to Naku and the two jounin.

Bashton sat on a stump, holding his arm and groaning quietly. He had been blind sided by a plant, something that never happened to him before. Probably from that panic stupor.. He thought, removing his hand and looking at his bicep.

Kino snuck up on Bashton from behind. "We meet again. Having a bit of trouble there?" Kino laughed noticing him grasping his arm. "Let's finish this, shall we?"

He growled at the voice and quickly stood up, moving away from Kino as fast as he could. He turned on his heel and began to roll his injured shoulder, a purple seeping wound revealing. Damn poison.. He thought. "Fine, whatever. I'm out of this tournament either way."

Kino glared at Bashton to the point his eyes squinted. "You're not worth my time now. I'd rather fight you when you could at least put up a struggle. The poison will knock you unconscious in a few minutes so I'll take my leave." Kino said turning around heading back to where Bakuto, Naku, Athav, and her jounin were.

A few of Bashton's clones blocked him from leaving, his own breathing quickening into a slight pant. "You're not going anywhere!" He ordered.

Kino started laughing hysterically. "Try and stop me." Kino gave a sadistic smile. "Kekkei Genkai...First Dance: Dance of the Camellia" Kino said as his right forearm changed into a hilt less bone sword. He lunged forward with several quick movements of his sword disposing of the clones easily.

"Alrigh-!" Before he could get out his whole word, his mouth was restricted shut as he tightened his jaw, biting down hard enough to break a filling. Before he even knew what was happening, he found himself on the ground staring at a tree before blacking out.

Kino's formed returned to normal when he noticed Bashton had blacked-out. He walked over and stood over his unconscious body. "I should kill you, but if you remember what happened this day it might just help me." Kino said before giving a short laugh and heading back to Naku and Bakuto.

A Cherry blossom array was fired at the fighting jounin at the ground, Bakuto completely disregarding Athav who had been attacking him with his gentle fist fighting style. He was hit a few times be it, too, but he couldn't help but try to stop the dopplegangers attacking Naku.

Kino haphazardly threw kunai at Athav to get her attention while walking back toward the group which was now in combat. "Let's go, wench."

Her Byakugan appeared on her face after she easily dodged the kunai. "I don't bother with ninja who don't know who they are." She said and turned back to Bakuto, sending one of her open palms against his chest, landing the hit to his lungs.

Bakuto turned his attention back to Athav and jumped back, rubbing his chest gently. He continued to move back as she came forward, his hands signs just flowing together effortlessly. "Help Naku!" He growled out, Sakura Petals now coming together again as he retaliated against Athav. They only made a few scratches on her, but still got her.

"I think you need to be careful who you piss off." Kino said while he extended his right hand. "Five Finger Bullet Drill." Kino said as he shot 5 bone bullets at Athav with considerable speed.

Athav was knicked in the right shoulder, but she seemed not to notice as she dodged the other four. She jumped past the last few Sakura petals and swiftly kicked Bakuto in the jaw, sending him falling to the branch below. She followed him down easily, pleased to see that his energy faltered slightly.

Bakuto pushed himself up and jumped back away from Athav, taking a quick glance up at Kino, then to Naku, whom was now being attacked by just the one jounin. He spotted the other on the ground and smiled mentally.

Kino sighed and jumped up into a tree trying to oversee the situation. "I'd finish this now, but I can't have any witnesses or leads to me. This village is a pain in the ass." Kino said quietly to himself.

When Bakuto looked back to Athav, she was gone. He looked around quickly, turning and grabbing his kunai in case she was behind him. He felt a few kunai stab into his thigh and knee before he even heard them whistling through the air as they came towards him. He winced and reached down quickly, knocking the impaled metal weapons from his leg. "Shinji, where is she?" He called up to the younger male.

"Above you!" Kino called down. She's pretty good, mainly a close range which means she can never touch me. Kino gave an evil grin.

Athav's shuriken and kunai missed Bakuto by mere inches as he jumped out of the way. "What's going on with Naku?" He called up, his hands signs startign up again. Pink petals filled the dark air, not moving one bit for a few moments, and began to dart around in pink blurrs.

Athav was hit numerous times by the attack, wincing slightly from the cuts and gashes. When the attack finished she stood on the branch in her fighting stance, not even flinching from the loos of blood or seeing the blood seep through her clothes.

"It appears she's in a fight of her own." Kino said looking down at Bakuto, he shifted his gaze to Athav. "You've certainly impressed me, wench but it would appear your little friends weren't much help to you anyway and now it would seem you have 2 opponents. What will you do now?"

"I just brought them along because they said they did not wish to fight me.." Athav muttered up to him, her gaze shifting to stare up at Kino.

Bakuto laughed quietly and took a quick glance down and Naku and the other Jounin, the jounin's energy faltering a bit as he saw it.

"So, is that you how you get your fix? By hanging with the weak-minded? Pathetic." Kino said with a laugh.

"Because I am not stuck up... And I see Bakuto is doing just the same.. Naku, his ex girlfriend does not like fighting with him, and a water ninja who does not even know up from down, let alone how to supress his chakra flow so that he may keep his identity hidden from a Hyuuga." Athav stated rather brutally, her hands falling to her sides and her body straightening as she looked at Kino once more.

Bakuto's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the female's words, his gaze drifting to Kino. "What does she mean, Shinji?"

Kino gave an evil grin and laughed hysterically. "I guess I didn't give you as much credit as I should seeing as you're the first to notice this. I guess my little secret is out of the bag now, but what are you going to do about it?"

"I take it you are one of the murderers trying to conceal himself, yes?" Athav questioned, flinching slightly when she felt the hand of a jounin on her shoulder. She turned to see the jounin that was standing behind her when they first met up with Bakuto the the two others. She glanced down to see Naku struggling to sit herself up on the ground.

Bakuto jumped down to Naku and helped her sit up, not really hearing what Athav was saying about him being a murderer in disguise.

Kino laughed even harder. "What?! That's absurd! If I was a cold-hearted murderer I would've killed you by now with all the open spots you revealed, since you are one of those acclaimed great clans with a kekkei genkai, that would go for your friend there as well. So, please have a better basis for an assumption like that." Kino said shifting his sight to Bakuto when he mentioned him and then back to Athav.

"So, tell me, Shinji was it..? Why did you not come to Konoha first? Did you wish to kill off the ninja in your village so you could get a taste of stone cold murder?" Athav questioned lightly, her Byakugan fading back into her face. "And, if you had not known, Bakuto's family was already killed by those murderers.."

"Ah, you say 'murderers' meaning more than one, but as you can see I'm all by myself. Don't you think I'd have an accomplice? But seeing as your security is so tight that wouldn't be possible now would it? But let's just say that your assumption is right, what would you do?" Kino rebutted. But in fact, I AM alone and all I need is myself to pull this off but it's better if I play this one off... for now.

"I could really do nothing at this point, seeing as my chakra has faltered and my blood loss is so severe. I am assuming that you would just go on you marry way, knocking the ninja out until you wont his tournament and finally earned such respect that you need not be followed, then you would strike one of the clans." Athav concluded, her gaze drifting down to Bakuto and the two knocked out ninja.

Kino grinned. "I don't care about this tournament, I'll show you I don't have to win." Kino performed several hand seals "Feigning sleep technique" he muttered before collapsing on the ground unconscious.

Athav sighed and shook her head. She was sure he had some type of medicine in a container handy when he did this jutsu, awakening him some time after other ninja left. "I have no time for this.." She muttered, quickly jabbing up into the jounin's throat and letting him fall from behind her onto he branch. Silently, she jumped down to stand before Naku and Bakuto, shaking her head once more. She kneeled down and quickly, before the moon ninja could react, sent a few large needles up into his neck. Where they hit made his body go limp, almost in a deadly state of immobilization. "I really have no time for this.." She muttered once more. Her finger shone with the beeping of the chip, this signaled that all the ninja were down except herself. She picked the two ninja up and lopped them over her shoulders as if they were twenty pound sacs of rock she used in her training. She alreeady knew that the other ninja that were guarding the gate were coming in to retreave the other bodies so she hardly bothered with taking another glance over her shoulder to peer up at the branches.

When she exited out of the gates she dropped the two carelessly to the ground and rolled her shoulders. One of the guards had carried out Kino and one of the jounin, another carrying the second jounin over his shoulder. Without even so much as taking a glance at the hokage, she walked over and sat on the rock mound and began to strip her shirts from her body to access her damage. When she was stripped down to her bra her eyes widened slightly, not expecting to have had so many cuts from the petals just on her upper body and arms. She ran a hand over her face and slowly began to count the gashes and cuts. Damn that Bakuto... She thought when she was done. She pushed herself up from the rocks, grabbed her shirt and jumped down, landing with a slight thud. Without even stopping to be congratulated by the hokage or any of the other ninja, she walked around the rock mounds and headed back to the village.

Juton passed her as she left, furrowing his brows lightly. "That's Athav, Justin.. The strongest chunin in the village as of current. She is a Hyuuga, and she looks pretty peeved right now..." He commented as he walked around the rock mounds to see the ninja being gathered up from the forest and brought back to lay safely outside the gates. "Check to see if your parents are here, just in case."

"Jeez i already said they arnt my parents...uncle, man, uncle!" Justin glanced at the girl as they passed. Not impressive..not shabby either. Freaky eyes though. "I dont see him here juto, junto, tojo...uh... Juton." He Scanned the fences left to right. So many young punks here they all arnt in the exam are they? Dont see any Chisio ninja here besides myself either.

"Well, I honestly don't care, really." Juton muttered as he pulled away from Justin and began to walk along the rows of ninja to examine how may beds int he hospital would be filled.

One of the jounin kneeled down beside Bakuto and pulled out the needles in his neck easily, careful as to not spike his Adam's apple. Once they were out he was surprised to see him sit up so quickly, rubbing his throat and groaning quietly. "Dammit, Athav..." He mumbled out. He looked over to see Naku and Kino both out like a light, this made him smile slightly.

The effects of Kino's jutsu wore off and he came back to consciousness to see ninja hovering over him. Kino got up and batted the ninja off him after insisting him to lie down and rest. Looks like it's time for me to leave. he thought to himself before taking off toward the gate that he came in.

Bakuto's eyes narrowed into blue and white slits, shrugging hands from his shoulders as he pushed himself up. He still felt a bit stiff, obviously they had missed a needle somewhere, but he was not letting Kino out of his sights. "Shinji!" He growled out, following about two meters behind him.

"Recovered so quickly, have we? I'll be taking my leave now so there's no need." Kino said heading back to front gate of Konoha(looking towards a new dawn)

Bakuto followed after, his frown never ceasing to beplastered on his face, covered by his mask.

"So, Justin. Maybe we should head back just encase he should happen to be home, hm?" Juton asked simply, his hands shoving into his pockets as he looked at the smaller ninja.

"Can we just stick to one place? Geez." Justin flicked the hair form his eyes and followed his shaperoen.

"I'm just trying to help you find your uncle, don't get pissy with me, boy." Juton said firmly, furrowing his brows. His jaw muscles flexed as he bit down, forcing back some of his anger.

A man who appeared to be in his late thirties stepped foward from the onlookers. "Justin? is that you my boy?"

"Well if it isnt the old geezer..hahah i cant believe your still alive Uncle!" Justin laughed from his uncles entrance but he was cut short.

The elder nakini had launched into a head lock that had justin pinned to the ground turning blue. 'It seems you still havnt learned respect huh?"

"Eh, now that it's confirmed I don't have to stay with you anymore." He hissed out, his slit-pupiled eyes going from Justin and to the older male. "Hokage-sama.. We should be getting everyone back to the village now."

Lilin turned her head to look at the still clean and spotless jounin that had not participated in the tournament, nodding slightly. "Yes, we should. Alright, everyone who is able to walk and carry another please do so and help out. This is nothing new to you all, we muct get everyone back to the villahe hospital!" She explained out to the dazed and battered ninja and the guards of the forest gate. When she was sure that most everyone was picked up by somebody else she nodded and made her way over to a few still knocked out genin and a chunin. She picked the genin up in both her arm and clasped her hands in one of the genins and made a few handsigns, hands coming from her stomach picknig up the chunin. She turned and began to walk back to the village, nodding slightly to Juton and handing him the chunin.

Juton nodded curtly back to her and took one f the genin, as well. "Here, you are able to carry someone, make yourself useful." He muttered to Justin, tossign the genin to the two.

"I aint carrying crud." Justin placed his hands together, after regaining his conpossure, and performed some hands signs then grabbed the nearest fence. The fence shifted to form three metal clones. The clones grabbed some unconsious genins the followed the group.

"Stop acting high and mighty, you little ass." Juton muttered, turning and following the group back around the tone structures and into the forest.(Looking towards a new dawn)

Looking Towards a New Dawn

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2007-11-24 [Erubeus]: D:
You're gonna have to play some ninjas as well.

2007-11-24 [illegally insane]: Okay, I was going by the assumption that you were playing ALL NPCs as you stated earlier. That's fine, I will.

2007-11-24 [Erubeus]: D:
-begins to count on fingers how many ninjas would be played in this one setting-
I'm sorry.

2007-11-24 [illegally insane]: Tell you what. You give me the situation and I'll do the rest lol. Doesn't have to be long at all lol just enough to go off on.

2007-11-26 [twitchboy]: is there a section for seating?

2007-11-26 [illegally insane]: It's a forest.

2007-11-26 [twitchboy]: yeah but what about in the tower?

2007-11-26 [Erubeus]: No.
Those ninja who do not or cannot participate have to wait outside the gate,

2007-11-26 [twitchboy]: mine came in late may he still join?

2007-11-26 [illegally insane]: You had to sign up at the booth thing so he couldn't by the rules. The patrol ninja wouldn't let you by.

2007-11-26 [twitchboy]: kay

2007-11-26 [Erubeus]: Brilliant deduction, ne [illegally insane]?

2007-11-26 [illegally insane]: Granted you can see everything he thinks lmao! The part of my chakra leaking out of me is kind of absurd because I'm not freakin' Naruto and have a demon inside of me. His kekkei genkai doesn't really involve a whole lot of chakra until you get to the advanced stuff... I added a good twist, no?

2007-11-26 [Erubeus]: xD
Chakra does not need to seep out of a ninja to be noticed by the Byakugan.

2007-11-26 [illegally insane]: No, but his chakra flow would look like every other ninja. I don't know what you're talking about that you were able to tell that I wasn't who I said I was.

2007-11-26 [illegally insane]: Well, I guess we'll wait for Twitchboy since I immobilized myself for a wee bit lol.

2007-11-30 [twitchboy]: why me im sittin this one out for the next round

2007-11-30 [Erubeus]: ._.
You're with Juton... and Juton is already there.. You must make an appearance.

2007-11-30 [illegally insane]: Besides we're outside the gates! Dee dee dee!

2007-11-30 [Erubeus]: And Juton asked him to identify his parents.

2007-12-01 [twitchboy]: ok wheres the story leading to in your idea [Erubeus]?

2007-12-01 [Erubeus]: Just wait.
-nods and heads to the first page-

2007-12-09 [twitchboy]: hehe i like making him disrespectful to elders but likable form those his age.

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